ALSAFA Environmental & Technical Services LLC memberships and registrations include:
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) A Shell Group Company
Ministry of Energy and Minerals
Please click this link to find registration records within Oman Tender
Board. Our GTB number is 00000684.
Our PDO Supplier Code is: 103263
Other registrations can be found by clicking the adjacent icons. Note that Ministry of Oil and Gas require all suppliers to be registered with JSRS and no longer has their own registration system. You can find our JSRS page here or type Also see our JSRS Registration.
Joint Supplier Registration System (also covers PDO and Ministry of Oil and Gas, BP, CCC, DNO, Daleel Petroleum, Qarat Al Milh Petroleum, Masirah Oil, Medco Energy, Oxy, Orpic, Oman Gas Company and Oman LNG).
Our JSRS Supplier Code is: OM100302
Environmental Consultant licence & Environmental Services licence
ASME - (Riyada)