Our marine specialists offer the following expertise:
Coral status
Algae community
Seawater and sediment quality
Marine ecology
Turtle surveys
Assessment benthic microfauna
Identification of fish, coral and benthic species from photographs and videos
Underwater photography
Habitat/ecosystem mapping
Marine geology: Sediment analyses & bathymetric studies
Physical oceanography studies (CTD profiles, currents, tides, wavesydrodynamics and sediment transport modelling)
Chemical oceanography (Seawater quality: nutrients, biochemical parameters, metals and hydrocarbons)
Biological oceanography/marine ecology: species, populations, ecosystem assessment, rehabilitation & management
Taxonomic identification (supralittoral, intertidal and sublittoral (benthic plankton, pelagic, neritic & oceanic))
Conservation Status: Endangered species, highly migratory species, management, impact assessment & mitigation measures
Impacts of land-based and sea-based activities and coastal development
Toxicity and bioaccumulation modelling
Modelling of effluents discharge to the marine environment (hydrodynamic & dilution/dispersion modelling)
Click the link to see examples of marine films taken by our diving team.